What is Earth Day?
The Earth Day is celebrated each year on the 22nd of April, which is the birth anniversary of the environmental movement that started in the year 1970. The founder of this day was Gaylord Nelson. The U.S. was completely oblivious of how its development methods are affecting the environment; pollution was considered as a sign of development and there were frequent oil spills. This moved the then U.S. senator to come up with some check and balance as to what impact development has and actually hold the people responsible for their actions. In 1990, Earth Day went global and included around 141 countries and that proved to be quite an important year since the countries realized how vital recycling is for the environment and they actually made an effort to make recycling possible.
How Can We Recycle?
How Can We Recycle?
There are several ways we can recycle different materials, which are a part of our day-to-day life. We can recycle paper since it’s the most used item and it is quite simple to recycle; there are several methods of recycling paper and most of them are possible to do at home. Shredded paper can be kept around plants in your garden, which will decompose and help the plants to grow. Recycling paper helps to save trees and conserve other natural resources as well.
Glass can be recycled numerous times compared to plastic, which cannot be repeatedly used since it can be very harmful for health. However, glass can be reused and the recycled glass is even cheaper than using raw materials.
Why is Recycling Important?
Glass can be recycled numerous times compared to plastic, which cannot be repeatedly used since it can be very harmful for health. However, glass can be reused and the recycled glass is even cheaper than using raw materials.
Why is Recycling Important?
Recycling is very important for the environment and for living a sustainable life without destroying the Earth and its resources. It helps in energy conservation because companies do not have to produce goods from natural resources and that uses less energy so recycling also helps to cut down costs. It reduces creation of landfills; the waste in landfills emits harmful greenhouse gases, which can be reduced by recycling. It helps preserve the natural habitat of animals and rainforests can be preserved. Moreover, the extreme pollution that is caused by the irresponsibility of companies and their lack of seriousness about this issue, the ozone layer is depleted beyond repair and that exposes people to severe skin diseases. If everyone starts recycling, even the basic items that are used at home, that can have a multiplied effect on at least maintaining the ozone layer in its current state and not ruining it further.
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