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Big Talize Thrift Haul: Sequins, Shoes & Designer Goodies! | Thrift Love


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Our Commitment to a Greener Environment Is Unrelenting - How Talize Is in It for the Long Haul

As bargain hunters and thrift shoppers gear up for the hustle and bustles of the holiday shopping season, here at Talize, we are excited to trigger the conversation around the subject of sustainability and green environmental initiatives. Even before we delve right into it, all our locations pride themselves on staying on the environmental cutting edge, from relentless recycling efforts to sustainability measures and everything in between. Today, we thought we’d let you know of some of the efforts and ways Talize use to showcase its commitment to a greener environment and sustainability in the long run. Less Carbon Footprint To start off, most of our supplies are carried out in huge bulks that make sure that less haulage is involved. This way, we can lower our transportation costs while dialing down our carbon footprint in terms of fuel spent and carbons spewed into the environment. All our facilities also run energy efficient, state-of-the-art cooling and heating

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Easy Inspirations to Turn Your Thrift Bargains into Easter Delights

Easter is just around the corner and we need to start stocking up our style and décor items to make the most of this festive season. Here are some amazing DIY second hand store ideas to try out this Easter: Easter Bunny Shirts Children love nothing more than glittery and sparkly Easter bunny shirts, and instead of buying new ones that they’ll probably wear no more than twice a year, why not find a good thrift bargain, and get started on making one of our own? It’s very simple, you can pick out plain white tees or work with a colorful or stripe-filled tee-shirt. You can buy glittery bunny-inspired sew-ons from your local Talize, and then, all that’s left to do is sew them on, and create some more bunny art or use stamping techniques. For a baby girl, you can make up lots of bows and pink bunnies, and for boys, keep the outfit in blue-tones. Opportunities are endless, you can make cute little stars with sequins scattered around, Easter eggs, glittery hea